
What is your discription for love?

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What does love mean to you




  1. There are different kinds of love.

    The love I have for friends and family is built on my understanding of them, and growing up with them, and becoming close. It is a strong emotion, and I know in my heart that I would do anything to help them if they needed it, and I am comforted to know they would do the same.

    The romantic love I have for my boyfriend is not so much a warm fuzzy feeling and comfort as it is with friends and family, but a burning, blazing fire of passion, desire, and heat mixed with the soothing calmness of feeling protected, supported, respected, understood, and cherrished. I don't want to say it is stronger then the love for friends and family... it is just very different. Though, I believe my current boyfriend is my soul mate, and so it is a connection deeper then just the mind, it is a connection of the soul.

    Then there is the love I have for all. I love everyone and every living thing from ants to people. This is nothing like the other two. It isn't a warm fuzzy, or a passion, or even respect, because there are people I do not respect. It is more an understanding, and a spiritual degree of acceptance and connection.

    To me, love is hard to describe in words, because the only word for it is love, and even that falls far short of the truth of the emotion.  Like sorrow, or loss, love is an emotion we cannot explain, we can only feel.

  2. Love is a very valuable and precious thing. Love connects humanity to its environment, God, and fellow humans. Love is a deeper feeling of likeness, belongingness, and comfort.

    I have been taught that there are THREE kinds of love. Each are shown differently. Each are for different person.

    The first love is Agape, it is a sacrificial.

    Second love is Phileo. It is the brotherly love. Your love for best friends, siblings, children or parents.

    Last is the Eros. It is the physical love This love is shown only to one person, specifically your spouse. The love is the lowest and sacred.

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