
What is your dream job?

by  |  earlier

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What job would you like to do more than any other job in the world?




  1. i love interior designing! i want to be that when i grow up. and lucky me i get to re-do my room! im going to go all out!

  2. I would love to get a degree in library and information science and work as a reference librarian at a college :)  My reading comprehension problem may cause a problem with the amount of english literature type of courses needed for the degree ;)

    If anyone else is interested in the field, here is a site for general info: and can search 'librarians' or whatever other career that piques one's interest. for accredited programs and other information.

  3. President of America!

  4. Here's a cool contest i found where you can actually win your dream job for a day I recently entered, here's a link if anyone else is interested:

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