
What is your educated prediction of the future of water?

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Will there be new technolgy made to supply more abundant clean water to the world. Will water become more expensive in the future? Will we have to pay more for tap water. Will clean water become more and more uncommon? ... What's your educated prediction?




  1. We will pay more.  I can see pipelines, running from the Great Lakes to the more arid parts of the country.  Look how things are now.  I'm going to retire soon, and not that it is the top priority, but we are thinking about moving to an area with abundant water.  Obviously that would be around the Great Lakes, and the upstate New York region, even New England and the Pacific Northwest.  They are not the warmer climates, so you just snow bird it a few months every year.  These are legitimate considerations.  It is a surprise, that more hasn't been written on it.

  2. There was a large lake somewhere down south last summer that was pretty much dried up, I think 18 feet below where it should be.  Water is going to skyrocket.  We can't live without it and the people that have it aren't going to give it away for free!

  3. WE might live in it.

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