
What is your experience or opinion of home child care?

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I am looking to place my 2 year old and 3 month old in a home daycare. I like the daycare my 2 year old is in but I think maybe the 1 on 1 contact of a home daycare might be better. Of course I would have to find one I can really conect with and be as close as family with. I have a list of about 20 licsened home daycares in my area that I have to start interveiwing.




  1. I personally didn't do it because I wanted truly individual attention plus I work from home.  We hired a nanny to come in during the day to help care for our child (starting at 5 months, now 11 months old) who will also help me with our newborn when she comes in October.

    We live in an urban area so we do have the advantage of local parks, community centers, etc. where our kids will get plenty of exposure to other children to play with.

  2. I think children need to experience "real life" school experiences.  It teaches them a LOT beyond just academics; like how to deal with disappointment and different ethnic groups.  You CAN'T replace that with home schooling.

  3. If you cannot afford to hire a nanny to come to your place then I think a home daycare is much better for young children, especially babies.  Just be very, very thorough in your interview process and have the children with you to see how they interact with them.

  4. I worked in a small Montessori preschool for 7 years before starting my own family childcare program a few months ago.  

    There are benefits to both types of programs for your children, you have to weigh out the pros and cons and figure out what is most important to you.  Be sure that the values you hold are the same as those of the childcare provider.  Do you value and strong, loving and continuous relationship with one particular person (family childcare) or the structure of a school-like environment (daycare program) with the possiblity of multiple caregivers or teachers.  

    I think you should visit both family childcare and preschool programs and see how it feels to you.  ALWAYS go with licensed providers (either way) and check references (parents who have attended the programs in the past, for long amounts of time) and do an internet search to see what you can come up with as far as licensing violations in the past.  NAEYC accredited programs are high-quality as well, look for that or city-accredited programs--in both family childcare and daycare.

    Good Luck!

  5. I put my oldest daughter in an at-home day care from 5 1/2 months through 2 1/2 years old.  It was wonderful because I knew that she was getting the attention she needed.  You need to make sure that the day care isn't going to take lots of kids or another baby, which would impact the amount of time she could spend taking care of your littlest one.  It was good for our family.  I would just caution you to question all of them on how many kids they take in as well as the ages.  Also ask if they plan on driving or if they have visitors during the day.  My day care provider's mother would come over occasionally and visit, which I didn't have a problem with, but if it had been a brother or dad or uncle, I don't know.  Also, make sure that they have an OPEN DOOR policy.  You should be able to drop in early, unannounced, whenever you want.  If they don't agree to this, then do not sign anything!  Good luck!!!

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