
What is your experience with p***s rings for extending an erection and enhancing the experience????

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I have been told that using a p***s ring will help to harden me and extend my erection. When I went in to our local shop that sells adult supplies they also had rings or bands the extend around the testicles as well. Has anyone had any experience with these as well? do they work and what is the purpose of going around your testicles as well? Finally they had some rings which had vibrators on them. Have any of the women had any experience with these? Being as it might be good to wear a ring occasionally would it be a better experience for the woman if the ring had a vibrator as well?




  1. i tried the vibrating kind, and it was FANTASTIC for both of us!  highly recommended! but you gotta go slow...

  2. My results were poor. The vibrator thing isn't bad. Can't say it takes things from a 5 to a 10, but definitely up a notch.

    Your mileage may vary.

  3. the rings do help.  I'd buy rubber ones;  they're stronger than silicone, and easier to apply than metal ones.  If you do buy a metal one, make sure it has nice plating on it;  otherwise, like cheap jewelry will turn your skin green, so will these cheap ones.  The leather ones (with multiple snaps) are fun, too.

    You want it tight enough to just constrict things (get a size that will slip over your s*****m and p***s).  Too tight, and you'll not get any blood flow, and you could damage veins going in and out of the p***s.  Too loose, and you'll loose any advantage that the ring gives you.  Usually there are three sizes available.

    Enjoy.  I've found toys enhance the experience greatly.

  4. For adult use only.  Kids/young people shouldn't be experimenting with stuff like this.

  5. my hubby used the vibr ring and it was just too distracting for us.

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