
What is your family known for? ?

by  |  earlier

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Are they artistic, skilled, talented, a little nuts? Any special about them?




  1. Unfortunately my father's side of the family is known for their bad reputations.  It's taken me years to live down that family name. Fortunately my mother's side(which people know me by allahumduliah) is known for working in helping professions.  My step dad is a copy, my mom is an RN, my sister works for the housing authority, my brother was a nurse aide before his death, and I was a social worker before my accident.  

  2. mental disorders. someones either bipolar or schizophrenic or need anger management or their depressed and cutting themselves...some are psychotic and others suffer from extreme cases of PMS which is just as bad as many disorders. they're all certifiably crazy, the end, and everyone knows it.

    But I'm not crazy. Or am I? ;)

    <<that was creepy lol I hope I'm not!

  3. Both sides of my family are known for being nuts. Really. No joke.

  4. We all have a dry sense of humour   i'd go so far to say sometimes a wicked sense of humour.

    We are all family orientated.

    Most of us are reserved, but can be quite outspoken when needs must- we dont be polite just to save offending someone.

    Mums very soft, loving and quiet - she will tell a white lie rather than hurt someones feelings bless her heart.

    3 are good salespersons, 3 are nurses, 2 are prison officers..... 2 managers and 2 unskilled.

    I have a flair for languages - thats about all, theres nothing else between my ears lol apart from my nursing.....

    Shaun, the prison officer son is the nut - proper comedian and knows anything about anything  He was expelled from school in the '80s for his over humerous behaviour but hes turned out the most adaptable of all bless him  xxxx.

  5. Being sayyid (descendants of the Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him)

    But they're not that religious, so I don't know why they're respected so much

  6. Our red hair, sarcasm and I suppose ppl say we're a little nuts.

  7. Well, my mom and her side are known for greed of money. My dad and his side are known for intelligence, and odd enough, I am extremly diffrent from my family...its like I dont belong with them.

  8. NUTS

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