
What is your fastest mile time ever?

by  |  earlier

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Mines is 7:16 done today. I'm 12.

What's yours and what's your age?




  1. mines 15

  2. I do 4:20 a mile on the track

    I do 5:00 a mile on the road (pace)

    I'm 16

  3. im a girl, 14, and i actually ran my best 1600 today! :]


  4. my brother is 14, and he got 4:42, hope you liked the answer!


  5. 14 years old,

    4:53...but i know i can go sub 4:50

  6. Mines 1 minute. In my car.

    Probably about an hour in other way.

    Never been much of a runner.

    I always do what the call a force walk.

  7. i'm a freshman and mine is 6:06

  8. im 15 and i run a 458

  9. 6:17 13 years old

  10. my best time is 6:37 and i am a sophmore girl

  11. i am 12 and mine is 6:50

  12. our school had to run a mile for a fitness test monday. i ran 5:56 im 16

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