
What is your fave day of the week?????

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What is your fave day of the week?????




  1. Friday (friday night really) coz its the start of the wkend.

  2. friday!

  3. Saturday

  4. Monday.

  5. Sunday, its my only "real" day off work

  6. Friday cause when i start partying and get out all the stress from waiting to be friday on the week.

  7. Hump-day.

  8. By Monday, I'm still struggling to believe the weekend is over.  I thoroughly hate Monday...definitely the worst day of the week...then we have to deal w/Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  When I wake up on FRIDAY, my heart skips a beat.  By far, Friday is my fave.  There is just something magical about Friday...finally the start of a new weekend.

    What is your fave???

  9. Friday

  10. Saturday. Sleep in day!!!!

  11. saturday because it's the weekend. you don't have school at all that day and you don't have to stress about going to school the next day. on friday you actually have to go to school. on sunday all you can think about is how you have to go to school the next day and how much you don't want to go there.

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