
What is your fave series of games?

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What is your fave series of games?




  1. super hero games

  2. Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Need for Speed, Tekken

  3. Pokemon games, Mario Games like super mario brothers, mario kart,

    megaman zx and megaman battle network games.

  4. i like super smash bros

  5. The Legend of Zelda

  6. house of the dead-overkill is coming out soon

  7. The Ninja Gaiden series, the Halo series, the Pokemon series, the Call of Duty series and The Star Wars Battlefront and Knights of the Old Republic games! I almost forgot the Half-life series as well!

  8. Hellrising

  9. im a fan of the old classic role play games. the eye of the beholder series and the ultima underworld series

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