
What is your fave. six nations rugby team and do you want them to win?

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What is your fave. six nations rugby team and do you want them to win?




  1. england and of course i want them to win

  2. Wales of course.  

    I think, if we play as well for 80 minutes as we played in that purple patch against the Saes we could be in with a shout at the Championship, if not a Triple Crown.  I don't think we'll get a Grand Slam though - the French are just a little bit more organised and aggressive than we are.

    Still - go for it boys.  We'll be here supporting you through thick and thin - as ever!

  3. France England or Island cauze the others are seriously c**p

  4. England, because i want them to.

  5. Ireland!!!!!! Bring on the Froggies!

  6. Wales of course. Because I am patriotic AND support the best team in the world.

  7. The poodle are the only team worth watching at the minute.

    The poms have rooted themselves by doing too well at the WC and are now lumped with a very average coaching staff.

    The Taffy crew is just too frustrating and annoying.

    The Scots are like watching paint dry.

    I don't know what happened to Ireland, they could quietly sneak in the back door and win it.

    Italy are better than they pretend to be but, not worth flipping channels if there's a good cooking show on. I'd rather watch Jamie Oliver show me how to cook a chicken covered in fennel and rock salt. Different ingredients, same method, when will the man learn to cook a proper feed ?

    Edit: yep, a lobotomy wouldn't hurt at all, dude, the Pumas aren't in it, I'd like to see NZ, RSA, or Aussie rip it up and kick some ***, but guess what dipshit ? . . . they aren't in it !

  8. Argentina.

    They should be in it

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