
What is your favorit animal? Why?

by  |  earlier

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this might sound weird but...what is your favorit animal and why?what are some good resons you like that animal and i mean GOOD RESONS!




  1. You might want to ask the question in the appropriate category, since this is the Food & Drink section.

  2. My name is NIKITA.

    White, Hairy, Pretty AND NICE!

    I'm a baby dog and I already know where my bathroom is!

    I love pillows, sofas and hate when strangers get in MY HOME!

    They grab me squeeze me and it hurts.

    Momy knows how to handle me and Dad too.

    I'm a Maltese that's why I'm so Barby!

    I want to tell you a secret:

    _Don't tell Mom or Dad.

    I'm in love! My neighbor has a black cocker and  he keeps on starring

    at me. His name is BOB and I'm afraid he is too big.

    Maybe I will grow a lot. Do you think it will be a good match?

    Whrite to me! I live in Brazil! And yourself?



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