
What is your favorit board game that you play with your children?

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What is your favorit board game that you play with your children?




  1. I dont have children, but loved candy land....

    now my fav is apples vs apples

  2. monopoly

  3. i like to play the game of live with my children

    it teaches them the basics of live and it's fun at the same time.

  4. When my kids were small we played Memory, Connect Four, Operation, Mancala, chess, and checkers, as well as many card games.  As they got older we played Life and Scrabble as well.  Now I am playing the same games with my grandkids.  The grandkids especially like Mancala and the older ones have taught their friends to play.  Mancala is an easy game to learn, and you can make one with an empty egg carton and some stones if you don't have one.  It is a seemingly simple game, but actually amazingly complex.  Mancala has always been the favorite because it is fast paced - a game is done in about 10 minutes or so.

  5. are you smarter then a 5th garder or catopley

  6. Right now it is "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" is our favorite right now.

    OIF 2003

  7. The Simpsons Game of Life.

  8. My son got the Simpsons edition of "Sorry" and we have had alot of laughs!! It really teaches them to be a good sport when they get knocked back to home! I think it's good to play games where your child doesnt always have to win!

  9. hungry hungry hippo


    shoots and ladders


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