
What is your favorit holiday?

by  |  earlier

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i like christmas becuase of the family time and presents:) what is yours?




  1. Christmas it is  very  pretty the  lights the  Snow  the  food  the  drinks  the  cold I love it

  2. Thanksgiving. In the spirit of thanks and gluttony. Harvesting time. I love the weather that time of year. Lots of good food, beer, wine, weed and Clint Eastwood marathon.

  3. I love Christmas and the whole holiday season!

  4. Thanks Giving is mine because of having my family all together and the aromas of dinner cooking all day!

  5. summer

  6. Christmas. seems like everyone is just so happy and i love going sledding and all that jazz (:

  7. Any holiday that I'm not at work.  So far I've managed to work almost every holiday.  Voluntarily?  How about Volun-told.  

    ( ^ _ ^ )

  8. new years =)

  9. HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!CANDY!!!!!!

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