
What is your favorit sport and why?

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What is your favorit sport and why?




  1. Curling, of course...

  2. ummmmm

    is orchestra a sport?? thats about all i do


    oo i am goin to do track

  3. well i have two favorite sports the first one is snowboarding because i love the snow and being outdoors, also i like to try new things on jumps and boxes. the second sport is volleyball because your in a team and you get to know them, and when i serve the ball it sometimes get my angery out

  4. volleyball.  it's fun to watch and even more fun to play.  once you get into it, it's worse than an addiction.  I think I went through withdrawal after my season was over :)

  5. Soccer          

    Because it is the most fun and enjoyable and it the most popular sport ever     also the most populous

  6. Curling rocks! I went from lead to skip in 2 years!

  7. snowboarding by far

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