
What is your favorite Holiday of all time

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What is your favorite Holiday of all time




  1. There's no doubt, Christmas.

    Without it there would be no purpose for any other holiday.

  2. Christmas and thanksgiving

  3. The laughs, the cheer, the music, the family, the tree =  CHRISTMAS!

  4. Christmas

  5. Christmas and Thanksgiving

    Christmas because everybodys happier and there's so much fun stuff to do.

    Thanksgiving cause it's almost time for the christmas season!

  6. I would have to say christmas. I'm not saying this because of the gifts, i love it because it's one of the happiest times of the year and family and friends get together for a good time. (the presents are nice though!)lol

  7. Valentines and Easter!!!!!!!!

  8. Christmas!

  9. Thanksgiving - it's the only one that's not about presents but about people coming together.

  10. Christmas, the birth of Christ.

  11. christmas of course!!!!!!!

  12. Christmas, just like 'liveyourdreams' said, not about the gifts, but about everything being happy. The lights, decorations, cocoa by the fireplace, christmas trees,snow,everything about it is great, I like the build up to Christmas as much as Christmas day, but i cannot stand the day after christmas, because.. its over!

    Merry Early Christmas!,

    what is your favourite holiday?

  13. new years

  14. Thanksgiving, but only cause any holiday that involves stuffing yourself and watching football is a great day.

    Then it would be July 4th.

  15. I can't decide between my birthday (if that counts) and Christmas!

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