
What is your favorite Panic! At The Disco song?

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Mine are Build God Then We'll Talk and The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage




  1. Nine in the afternoon

  2. one of the worst bands i've ever heard....

  3. Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Off Her Clothes.

  4. 9 in the afternoon... got it on me ipod

  5. i like i'm like a lawyer the way i always try to get you off me and you

  6. Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off and Build God, Then We'll Talk.

  7. That green gentlemen

  8. I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Nine in the Afternoon, and That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed).

  9. 9 In The Afternoon! Xx

  10. Theres a reason these tables are numbered honey (we just haven't thought of it yet) :)

  11. Build God then We'll Talk is my all time favorite

    That cello solo is amazing!!!

    most of the other ones are tied for second because they are all so good.

  12. umm...

    nine in the afternoon

    mad as rabbits

    we're so starving

    she had the world

    i write sins not tradgedies

    lying is the most fun a girl can ave with out taking her clothes off

    Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage

    (why are the names so long on the first album?)

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