
What is your favorite South American destination?

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Yes, you can include Mexico and Central America




  1. Costa Rica

  2. Not really South America... but Costa Rica.

    Close Enough, right?

    I have never been south of Costa Rica, and I dont have too much desire to go elsewhere in South America.

  3. It is hard to answer because it depends:

    If it is just me and my favorite, I'd say Argentina.  Relatively safe, pretty diverse from indigenous cultures in the northern Bolivian frontier to Welsh and English settlements in Patagonia, Jungles in the Northeast,  highest mountains outside of Asia, cosmopolitan hubs in Cordoba and Buenos Aires and German villages in the Pampa.  No good beaches, though.

    Brazil for beaches and tourism.

    Bolivia for nature.

    I don't really like Costa Rica that much, partially because it is full of tourists and very developed in that way it seems to have lost some of its culture and interest.  but, some people prefer that, especially on a first trip to Latin America or if they are older or very young.

  4. Argentina.

    By far the most european country in whole Latin America.

    don't expect mariachis, tacos and rice and bean. No, they don't eat that stuff there.

    They have great restaurants, the best pizzas , pasta and beef.

    Buenos Aires is incredible, European architecture, many cultural options, beautiful and friendly people, very affordable too and great nightlife.

    In Argentina you can fin anything you want. No other country in Latin america can give you Rain forest, Deserts, Beaches, LAkes, Glaciers, Ski Resorts and cosmopolitan cities, all in one country!!!

    I was there one year ago, and I want to go back soon!

  5. there are many beautiful. for example:

    Ecuador is very nice place, in there you can go to Salinas or Playas they are similar to Miami, or enjoy Quito wich have the old city and the new city, but are nice. Guayaquil is great too!

    Or you can go to Costa Rica, I especially like Punta arenas and Puerto Limon. San Jose is a nice city to.

    Colombia has Cartagena also with the old/new contrast. and many monuments. Cali not so preatty rigth now, because the building of "EL MIO" a new system of transportation, but once is done, it will be back to it's original beauty. Bogota is one of the best citys right now, because its clean and modern. Medellin its always beautiful, full of flowers, its called the city city of the enernal spring.

    Well those are my choices.

  6. The only country in South America I've been to was Boliva. It was quite different but interesting.

  7. Colombia. it's a beautiful country even though you hear bad things about it...if you go someday, go to Cartagena and Santa Marta

  8. It depends on one's travel style.

    My favourites were:


    Pros: Incredible diversity in climate, nature, landscapes, cultures... Loads of dirt cheap activities such as cycling, hiking, 4x4 tours, cruising, amazon jungle trips, parashooting etc. Everything is so cheap you won't believe it! And the country is probably the most beautiful one in South America and with the most diverse animal life in the whole country.

    Cons: Transport is horror here and the roads really scary. Not for the fainted hearted. Very poor infrastructure.


    Pros: Extreme diversity in landscape and climate, going from the world's driest deserts and volcanoes in the north, through pretty beaches, winecountry, mountains and cosmopolitian cities in the central zone to dense forests, rivers, lakes, volcanoes and loads of activities in the south. Also the people are the friendliest I've met so far.

    Cons: The people speak really  and I mean really fast. On some budgets, Chile may be expensive.

  9. Costa Rica. The people speak English, You can use American $$, It's really safe, outside the big cities. All beaches belong to the country, are clean, and have beautiful waves. Much of the country is game preserves. If you go off the beaten path, it's inexpensive, great food and lovely people. Ride the busses-get to know the average Tica (native). Relaxed, safe atmosphere.

    How can you hate it?

  10. Lola sounds like she's a racist, "don't expect mariachis, tacos and rice and bean. No, they don't eat that stuff there".

    My girlfriend is Venezuelan, and I love visiting Venezuela, especially Merida, which is where her family is. I highly recommend. I miss drinking malta and eating arepas and empanadas and yuca.

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