
What is your favorite WWE entrance?

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What is your favorite WWE entrance?




  1. Singles wrestler: Gangrel

    Tag Team: The Hardy Boys

    Stable: DX (original version) or The Brood

  2. HHH,hard hitting Motorhead.Lights,smoke,it's all right there.

  3. i like y2j's hbks undertakers motorcycle one

  4. Jeff Hardy

  5. HHH when Motorhead performs live, even though he skips every other word.

  6. Undertaker

    Mickie James

  7. The Undertaker

  8. Jeff Hardy.

  9. MVP, the tunnel, smoke and fire is awesome.  Not my favorite entrance music, but my favorite entrance.

  10. hbk s**y boy

  11. 1.Chris Masters


    3.The Undertaker

  12. hbks old entrances but now i like batistas

  13. It used to be Jericho when the screen would just show what was on the Titantron and the "camera" fell down this blue, grid-like tube before his pyro's hit.

    Gangrel had a great ring entrance, too.

    Lately, I don't like anybody's.

    The entrances in general are I think a really dumb idea. They take away from the action. Once people start liking things like someone's entrance or ring music or tights or hair - they're talking about dumb stuff more than they are the performer performing.

  14. Undertaker-I would love to see that live its so cool

    Beth-I like the flip thing she does off the top rope plus shes the best =D

  15. jeff hardy. how can you not be excited when you see that??!!

  16. THE BROOD is pretty hard to beat ... They had the coolest entrance thus far .

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