
What is your favorite animal? Your least favorite? And why?

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Im not talking about pets, you know!

I love whales, esspecially Norwhals and Blue whales are just magnificent!

Birds of all sorts fascinate me, but the gorgeous peacock wins in this catagorey.

I just think elephants are funny.

So are bagpipes. But thats a different story...

MY least favorite, are the scary ones!

like hippos. They scare the c**p out of me. Horses too..

and the icky spiders.




  1. i love cheetah and hate snakes

  2. I love Big Cats cause they're sexayyyy!! 8)

  3. I love love LOVE hippos - they are scary, yeah, but they are so graceful and wonderful under the water.  Another good one is the Okapi - so weird, and a mix of all the great animals.

    My least favorite - because they are just awful -

    ~Praying mantis (can't even think about them)

    ~Alligators and Crocodiles (too scary!)

    ~Moray Eels (creep me out!)

  4. i'm a HUGE animal lover.

    i like Komodo dragons, i guess because i like dragons in general, but Komodo dragons are cool because they're huge lizards.

    i also love all kinds of birds, except pelicans because one of those d**n things bit me when i was really little.

    monkeys are cute too. so are snakes and cats, not just pet cats, but big cats like lions, tigers, cougars & leopards

    i dont have anything against hippos, but horses are awesome, beautiful, majestic creatures.

    i dont like spiders at all. anything with more than 4 legs creeps me out...

  5. My absolute favourites are wolves and lions, but all other cat species, snakes and rats are a close second. And horses. And foxes. I also like dogs, hyenas, otters, seahorses, sharks ... the list goes on.

    My least favourite animal - and indeed the ONLY animal I really don't like - is the crane fly ("flying daddy-long-legs"). I know they are completely harmless, but they're just so creepy - all those horrible long spindly legs just waiting to dangle on your face, ugh!

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