
What is your favorite cat breed?

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I'm thinking about getting a cat. I would just like to know if you like purebreds or if you like the mixed breeds?




  1. Main coon , Ocicat,Norweigin forest cat

  2. Persian. Bi-color longhair persian is my favorite. It's just that they are so majestic and beautiful. I see them as God's beautiful creation. I just have always loved them. I have one now. Grey and white and his name is oreo.

  3. I love short haired cats and have never have a purebred. I am going to urge you to go to your shelter, and you are less likely to find purebred cats there. The 3 I have now are shelter cats and I would not trade them for the world.

  4. Every breed has different personality traits. At the moment I have an Absynnian Somali and she is just fantastic.

    Absynnina/Somalis are very adventurous and playful, and also very intelligent. I've just taught her how to pull a string on one of her toys that moves along the ground. It's amazing seeing her do it by herself now. She holds the toy mouse in her paws, pulls the string with her teeth and lets go to watch it move along the ground.

    They are quite expensive though, but the love and affection they give you is great as well.

  5. I like tonkinese cats. I don't like mixed breeds. I like purebred. I have a 6 month old Natural Mink Tonkinese kitten. Her name is Zoey!!!!

    This is EXACTLEY what she looks like:

  6. I like just regular cats, whether you call them mixed breeds, Domestic Shorthairs, or just alley cats.  Personally, I think that when you choose a cat, personality should be the deciding factor.  Look for the cat who has the temperament you're looking for, whether it's affectionate lap cat, playful, curious, standoffish, whatever - go for temperament, because that's what's most important to consider in a creature you'll be sharing your life with for many years to come.  For consistently affectionate temperament, I'm partial toward black & white bicolor cats.  

  7. I like quite a few breeds such as the NFC, Siberian FC, Birman and BSH, but my all time favourite is the Maine Coon. They are majestic in looks and teddies in purrsonality and that what makes them so special to me.

  8. Hmm, judging by personality I like all cats, but judging by cuteness I love Scottish Folds ^-^  

  9. different breeds all have different personalities,

    these are my favorites.....


    Oriental Shorthair

    Cornish Rex

    I am specialy fond of these because they are so sweet and very very vocal and highly intelligent, and playful little clowns

    If you like a quieter cat then look at the following




    Maine Coon

    Russian Blue


  11. purebreds can win you money in competitions and things, but mixed breeds are easier to groom, if any of this helps, but i love siamese and persian purebreds!

  12. I like all cats. I have 3 mixed breeds.

  13. I presonally like Rag Dolls! I have 3 Rag Doll mix so loving!

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