
What is your favorite chain restaurant to get a hamburger at? What kind of burger do you order?

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What is your favorite chain restaurant to get a hamburger at? What kind of burger do you order?




  1. It's hard to to mess up a burger. Just about anywhere will do. lol

    For a long time I was a Jack-in-the-Box fanatic. Still am, really, but I'm back on McDonald's $.99 double cheeseburgers.

  2. White Castle!! We don't have any where I live...  =[   but I'd hate to admit, I love Whopper Jr.s from Burger King

  3. If you're talking chain restaurants, and not classic family-owned - Red Robin makes really good burgers.  I can't think of what it's called there, but blue cheese is such a pleasing addition to any burger!

  4. Oh man, White Castles!  Miss them too, we don't have anything like that here in VA, AND the frozen ones are crappy!

    Also love In and Out Burger in Cali, and Fat Burger...*sighs*

    But mostly miss WC.

  5. A Jack in the Box Jumbo Jack.  Or McDonald's, in a Happy Meal.

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