
What is your favorite charity that you like donating to?

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Don't you people donate???

For example: St. Jude's Children's Hospital, etc.




  1. Demelza House Children's Hospice

    Toys For Tots


    Michel's Message

    The Pencil Project

  2. Old age home and other geriatric centers in our city of Hyderabad,India

  3. love towards orphans

  4. My local humane society. I use, which donates a cent to a charity of your choice with every search. It's a fast and easy way to donate money. ^_^

  5. Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity and Heifer International. I also use to help raise funds for a small scholarship fund named for my brother-in-law who died last March.

  6. i normally give to Goodwill.  My personal life is very messed up and I have had to reach out got assistance anywhere I find it.  In NC there is a place, actually in all counties in the USA that have an org.  called Christian Misson.  They provide me with food every 2 weeks, pay for all my med's.  Expense and allow me 30 pcs. of clothing a week.  They will help u find a place and they offer more than I even know about.  So I will be giving my donations to them because they have helped me so much.  In fact I very well may volunteer so I can give back that which was so freely giving to me.

  7. Friend,

    First a person needs his hunger and thirst to be quenched.He wants some thing to cover himself and then a shelter.Next he requires medical care in case he needs it.There are many who can not afford any of these.

    So feed the hungry mouths.This is the TOP MOST SERVICE OR CHARITY YOU CAN DO.

    We want helping hands not praying lips.

    So if you can give the really needy ones, food, clothes, and medicines.

    God will bless you.

    Good luck.

  8. my town's SPCA

  9. The Christian Children's organization.

  10. For 10 years till 2002, was actively associated with an Ashram looking after 39 young boys and girls,coming from destitute families and suffering from polio of one or two legs. They were provided food, education, clothes and medical care. A good housing was constructed with local charities and nursing homes volunteered to operate such kids who had a chance to improve after the surgery.My charity consisted of getting for them clothes and food items, visiting them twice a week,entertaining them with stories from religious books and advising on the management of the Ashram.

    In 2002, the real promoter of the Ashram was removed and some vested interests took over as they saw an opportunity to mint money in the name of the Ashram, for their own use.Under these circumstances, I withdrew myself completely with a heavy heart. Soon, I learnt  that the kids have also been sent back to their respective homes and the usurpers are doing nothing except collecting charities.I keep doing some sort of charitable work every now and then but that is all done randomly.

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