
What is your favorite chess piece?

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Mine is the Archbishop/Cardinal




  1. Well, the obvious choice would be the Queen, simply because of the versatility, but other than the Queen...

    Knights, because their moves are more erratic and harder for some players to anticipate.  It can be a little harder in the end game to pin down a  King with Knights, so I usually start off with my Knights, and sacrifice them to keep my Bishops and Rooks/Castles for the end.

  2. I like the Queen because she has so much diversity in movement (although you have to protect her tooth-and-nail!)

    First Runner Up would be the Knight.

  3. The King of course , cant win without it.

  4. By far it has to be the knight. Why? Knights protect/attack eight squares and can cover every square on the board. They are way too unpredictable and cause total havoc in the hand of a good chess player. Knights are the infantry of the chessboard. Bishops are more like artillery; they back up and defend only one color from a distance. The knights bring the fight right to you. Let a knight get to and stay in the center of the board and your adversary is in a world of hurt. Besides the discovered check, the knight fork is the most demoralizing and devastating attack in chess.

    Trade Queens early in the game, keep your knights and let the slaughter begin!!!

  5. the Knights, they jump over everything and are so hard to pin down.

  6. My favorite is the castle. Castles fascinate me, and here we are playing a game with them. Cool.

    I love the beautiful chess pieces you see in specialty shops that have theme-designed pieces.

  7. Knight

  8. Bishop, they cut up enemy defenses and pretty much lay down the law (or religion).

  9. i like the pawn.

    sure they kinda suck in the beginning, but in the end...pawns step up bigtime. a 1 pawn advantage in the endgame can be HUGE.

  10. mine is the knight because of the way it can be moved

  11. archyB

  12. I like the Queen.

  13. I love the towers...

  14. Queen, she rules the board and can do anything.

  15. I know there are stronger pieces on the board but I like the knight because of the way it moves.

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