
What is your favorite country in the world?

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Mines england.




  1. united states of america lol

  2. I love FINALND....................................

  3. mines switzerland,     i dont know why..... yet

    from the phils

  4. england. i live in the us but i love england

  5. australia bizzitch

  6. Thailand is the most fun

  7. Greece! OPA!!!

  8. I have two favourites, England and Australia

  9. Israel

  10. The one I call home.

  11. I used to live in Japan. I regret not staying there. Dang!!! I love the US but Japan is my favorite.

  12. my home country, saudi arabia.

  13. I am extremely proud to live in the US, but my favorite country is Denmark. I identify with the culture there way more.

  14. AMERICA, F*** YA!

  15. It is very difficult to choose, I have sampled many and have always felt `at home` in these countries, in no particular order:-

    The U.K. (my land of birth)



    Malaysia (where I am now)

    Most countries are nice, we are all just people after all, but some you get a nice comfortable feeling as soon as you get off of the `plane, boat or whatever. The above list are the places that give me that `I could easily live here` feeling.

  16. here in Avondale Arizona  in the old USA, were you are free to   f**t in the wind and you wont  go to jail.....

  17. Greece, Italy , Japan , India , France I've been to France it was nice ^^ but the plane trip is the killer non stop people using the restroom while I was trying to go to sleep!

  18. The one in which I live.

  19. India because its lovely and warm there and you dont have to wear all these clothes. Though I have been here all my life its far too cold and wet for me to like.  Its pretty here (England) but horribly cold and damp.Besides...we have servants in India :D

  20. Haiti

    despite the political unrest...

  21. USA....USA....USA...USA....USA...USA.......

    Red, white and blue.......

  22. Philippines, Mabuhay Pilipinas!

  23. Apart from my home country Finland:

    1) From the ones I have visited: Slovenia (cheap, great nature & weather, people are friendly & speak English, spas, not too crowded...)

    2) From countries I have yet to visit: Wales (in the UK) and Ireland, because of my love to Welsh & Irish music and Celtic history/culture

  24. Canada....where I grew up and got cultivated.

  25. USA,USA,USA....(chants Homer)

  26. ive got 2: england and spain (spain where i live)

  27. MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Viva Mexico!

    I rock!

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