
What is your favorite curriculum for homeschooling and why?

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I'm using abeka and like it ok. Would like to try a more hands on type curriculum.




  1. I use Sonlight with my kids & we love it!

    Some of the reading books that are included seem a little more advanced than what they need right now, but we just skip them!

  2. Mine are...


    Math U See

    VideoText Algebra

    Apologia Science

    IEW (Writing)

    We're also really liking Shurley English :-)

  3. eclectic.

    it's great to be able to take the best of any number of approaches and combine them to create an education of great depth and breadth.

    I like Classical Eduction for History and for Greek and Roman mythology, Waldorf reverence for nature and a child's innocence, unschooling for fostering curiosity, independence and love of learning, unit studies reflect the true nature of learning, the interconnectedness of things rather than the false division of knowledge into "subjects", I like Charlotte Masons emphasis on real literature.

    it's an embarrassment of riches, why chose just one?

  4. We use a child-let approach.  For our visual learner, Math U See is working great.  She attends a science program taught by an amazing gentleman who has a real gift for getting kids excited about science.  Social studies this year includes following the primaries.  One of our doors is covered with state outline maps showing the capitols, who won, and the dates of the primaries.  She watches debates and discusses the candidates stands on the issues. She is a voracious reader.   Writing Strands is her preferred writing program.  She takes Tae Kwan Do five times a week, goes horseback riding (including horse care) every week, takes art with a homeschooling art class, attends two Park Days per week, does community service by volunteering at her Tae Kwan Do school twice per week, and somehow squeezes in her necessary 10 hours sleep per night.  We know this is right for her by watching her excitement, passion and zest for life grow day by day.

  5. We use Abeka and my daughter loves it. I make up my own math curr. For more hands on stuff, I find science exper. to do that go along with the Abeka curric. Also, you can do lapbooks to tie everything together.

  6. Unschooling!  It works for everyone, because it's made for each family and considering each family member.  You learn what you want, when you want living with respect and consideration for everyone.  

    Good luck :D

  7. I can't stand abeka and I don't even homeschool yet.  My son's preschool uses it, and it's just put a bad taste in my mouth for it.

    For a more hands-on curriculum, I would suggest looking into KONOS.  It's a character-based unit study curriculum that was written specifically to encourage hands-on, creative learning.

    I've heard good things about Sonlight.

  8. My favorite curriculum is NONE.

    That's right, none.  Why?  They are far too limited in scope and sequence and depth.  They are far removed from reality, and are not the best way to learn.

    Learning happens all the time, learning is fun, the world is too big a place to condense it down to a boxed curriculum.  Step outside of the box and see what the world has to offer.

  9. Look at Timberdoodle for hands-on curriculum or else try Hewitt if you want k-2.

    I don't know what age your are teaching?  Timberdoodle is great for unique products. These are some of my favorites.


    Early learning to read

    Pathway Readers

    (These are very plain, but sweet.  Kids love them.)


    These come in three levels, this is the second.


    Love this book, I don't have the cd, jsut the book.

    The site has changed since I bought a lot of curriculum from them.  You will have to look through it to see what you like. But Timberdoodle is the place to look for hand's on curriculum.

  10. The Robinson Self-teaching Home School Curriculum.

    It is a method of learning that has proven to bring superior results for many students.

  11. Sonlight! I can use it for 2 years. Love the books it has. I don't have to think about what I'm doing tomorrow because it comes with the lesson plans! There are lots of science experiments and reading.

    We were using ACE and found it boring. So we went back to Sonlight.

  12. Science- Apologia!

    Math - Saxon

    Language Arts- Abeka, Wordly Wise, Spelling Power, (writing program through the co op)

    History- Charlotte Mason Approach using real books.

    For the rest of the school day we don't really use a curriculum, we use a lot of real books.

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