
What is your favorite foreign food not easily found where you live?

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What is your favorite foreign food not easily found where you live?




  1. chang-hi....

    made by the Philippines

  2. Mexican Indian and Thai.  Mail order and ethnic groceriese the best.!! for hard to locate spices,try your ethnic shops. better quality and less expensive. is the mecca for fresh spices.

  3. German pretzels. The big, soft ones that are still hot from the oven... and then they slice them and put real butter on them. Yum.

    Ach! if only I could be back in my Mutterland, *sigh*.  

  4. Well I live in California which is a huge melting pot of ethicities so pretty much I can find any type of food I am craving except for french food which is either found at a really expensive restauraunt or it is labeled french but is not authentic.  

  5. in  London i used to buy from china town, some Chinese rise rolls .covered with coconut or plain. if ANYONE knows how it is made please tell me. love it

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