
What is your favorite form of alochol

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I personally like bacardi apple a lot.




  1. Pinot Grigio!

  2. I like beer, liqueur (any kind ) and wine. It depends on what type of mood im in or where i am. I drink wine at weddings. I drink mostly mixed drinks at home. I drink beer out at bars.

  3. Tito's vodka, locally made in Austin, TX! Especially in a bloody Mary it has a unique flavor  

  4. vodka

  5. Bacardi is my favourite alcoholic drink but Smirnoff Vodka is the best for using as a main drink for cocktails as it has no taste but gives them that kick you want in a cocktail. Vodka, Midori & Lemonade is a beautiful smooth fresh drink.  

  6. There's more than one?!  Beeeeeerrrrrrr!!!!!

  7. wine, I like flavored wine or zinfandel

  8. Whiskey.

  9. If I had my way, and money weren't a problem, I'd forever make Harvey Wallbangers, Galliano, you know.

  10. Bourbon

  11. Any kind of good quality vodka like grey goose, smirnoff, ciroc, Stolichnaya, absolut, or SKYY.

    Vodka in shots is gonna go down pretty hard just like almost any kind of liquor but vodkas lix good with fruity or flavored drinks and sodas (not like coke or dr. pepper, more like big red and sunkist)

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