
What is your favorite foundation for horrible skin?

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Not the occasional small pimple, but full on breakouts. I have 6 pimples right now.

What is the best foundation for me that will cover this up well?

(note:bareminerals didn't work well for me at all. everyday minerals is what i'm using right now. it's good, but i'd like to try something else)




  1. dream matte mousse! it works great

  2. I use cover girls out last foundation and powder. it works well but mineral wear physician formula is what i just got and it seems to work really well. i put it on in circular motion all over face and then dab more on problem spots (pimples) and keep dabbing till it blends but that way it covers a bit better.  another thing if you have insurance or money, go to a skin doctor and ask about acutane, pricey but works. has quite the procedure but use it for the 5 months and your good forever.

  3. I had the same problem, if you can you should try going to a dermatologist and getting differin or acutane. If you cant do that, then you could try Clinique foundation, they make some of their products so that they don't clog pores as much. You can find it in the makeup section at the mall.

  4. Im a boy, bu i use covergirl(odd i know,) to cover up my break outs. and you think 6 pimples is a lot try EASLY OVER 20 pimples and you think you have it bad. also if you want to get rid of your pimples. use OXY fasewash. i use the benzol proxide lixuid treatment first then i clense with the prevention bar as i call it cuz it prevents breakouts, then i use the formulated wipes(oxy brand is better than stridex and dont use strides new clensing duel solutions ether Its crappy) and scrubb really hard to get dirt out and then get a washcloth before u use the wipes cuz it burnes and if you get the cloth on your skin right after the pad it wont hurt. than LATHER on the oxy spot treatment(P.S. buy alot of spot treatment cuz theres barly any in them. and use the tinted colered spotstuff cuz it can work as an concelor. email me about anything if you have questions. BUT dont use my yahoo email, i never heck it so use the one in the scource box. hope i help!

  5. try some dermablend makeup it works really well to cover up pimple but try not to use it too much because it isnt the best makeup for your face. you could also try using nuetrogena skin clearing makeup this should help prevent any future breakouts and cover up at the same time. but for really horrible problems dermablend's always helped me cover up those huge annoying pimples in the past.  

  6. NEVER USE FOUNDATION WHEN BREAKOUTS ARE BAD!!!! you should wash face bout 2 to 3 times a day and dont use foundation it clogs pores and makes more breakout occur. keep your face clean and the best stuff period is bare minerals it is all natural and wont hurt or breakout your face you can get it at wal mart and i think anywhere wit a pharmacy make up area

  7. I was going to suggest Bare Minerals, but I can see you have already tried it unsuccessfully.  In that case, I will suggest you use Airborne for your zits.  It's a fizzy tablet that you take when you have a cold and you can find it in the cold aisle in just about any drugsture.  I used to get cystic acne really bad, but I found out by accident that Airborne gets rid of it practically overnight.  Now, whenever I feel one coming on, I take an Airborne and it never comes.  Sometimes, for a stubborn one, I may have to use two or three a few hours apart, but it always keeps them from forming.  My daughter uses it for her pimples now too and her skin is always clear.  Good luck!

  8. I know this for a fact - the Dermablend foundation/concealer/coverup line was specifically forumulated for those with SEVERE skin imperfections such as cystic acne, burn victims, pigmentation problems; they even have a cream that compltely covers up tattoos.

    I have been dealing with horrible hormonal cystic acne every few weeks and I have tried everything from mineral makeup to the most pricey stuff you can imagine, and Dermablend was true to its word - it compltely covered up my problems, did not cause acne, did not cause greasiness, and with the setting powder it lasts well over 8 hours.

    Mineral makeup, to me, is like buying some pressed powder. It simply just does not cover up. In my opinion it is for people who already like their skin and want to enhance their complexion.

    For severe skin imperfections, Dermablend is the only answer after I have tried over 30 products.

    Also, I was put on antibiotics, Retin-a, cream prescriptions, Proactiv - nothing helped - until I found out about fresh lemon juice - it didn't cure my acne but it helped immensely and made my existing acne shrink signifcantly.

    You have a lot of responses here and I probably won't get chosen for best answer but I wanted to share this knowledge with you because I know how much it means to cover it up when all else fails!

  9. well have you tried proactive? i mean it worked really good on my face or maybe the oxy bar of soap except that makes your skin dry but you can put lotion on it.

    but try mac foundation just go in and ask them to find your skin tone and tell them about your problem and ask if theres anything else that they may have to fix your problem  

  10. Foundation can clog your pores even worse and you'll break out more. I would try to get rid of those pimples before applying any foundations to your skin. Or you could try Eucerin Redness Relief Daily Protecting Lotion. You can find it at Walgreens. It is tinted green and can help hide blemishes or scars. Then just apply a little of powder and concealer and you are set to go! You can also wear it under foundation, but I think that would be a little too thick. Good luck!

  11. i think you should try clinique prodocts

    but if you are braking out so much i dont think its a good idea to put on make-up lol there is a 3 step acne system that will get rid of your acne less the 2 weeks well for me it did but for make up i think it depnds what skin type you have if u have oli skin you use powder make up for pimples that is the stay-matter-passe powed ...and there are so many others but if you have dry skin use a liquid foundation .....Just cheack out some qlinique stuff only if you like lol

  12. I think you have oily and trouble skin.

    For such kind of skin, don't use any make up or foundation for two to three months.

    WATER is the best treatment for trouble and oily skin.

    Always keep your skin clean and tidy ... and at the same time every morningand before going to bed ... use cleasing foam to wash away the oil in the deep part of your pores.

    The pimples will be getting less. Moreover, your face towel must keep clean too. There are germs hidden in the towel. Every week, use boiling water and detergent to soak your towel and rinse it well until it is clean.

    Soon your skin will get well ... then you can use some mild folundation or make up.  

  13. I agree with the MAC fans- MAC oil-free foundation if you don't get out in the heat too much- doesn't hold up  well if you sweat. In the summer I also use Lancome Renergie - I have very pale- acne prone skin and it is hard to find one with good coverage in a light color. I also asked a lady the other day who had good looking makeup,what kind she used, and she said she used Clinique- so will be trying that too. I dot my face up with Clean & Clear Persa-gel 10 before I go to sleep, and that really helps with the acne.

  14. Try using all natural organic products instead.

    Most of the brand names out there use harsh chemicals that are bad for your skin and can make you break out even more if your skin is super sensitive.

    Try using Rice Powder I think it's by Palladio

    You can get it at Sally's Beauty Salon and it works great :)

    I highly recommend it

    They also have different lines of foundation

    some are powders and another is a cream sort of thing

    and they also have rice paper blotting paper for when your skin gets oily.

    I suggest the cream foundations because if you use powder it's kind of noticeable on your pimples.

    Well my skin isn't that oily but you would be surprised about how much is actually on your skin and by using the blotting rice papers you get less pimples because it removes the oils from your skin.


    omg my skin broke out so bad form that stuff

    because I have sort of sensitive skin

    I also don't understand why people would even dare suggest proactive D:

    it's horrid for your skin and it's really harsh

    my skin burned after using it for a couple of months and then when I stopped using it my skin broke out even worse than before I used it

    Dream Matte shouldn't be used if you have really acne prone skin because it does have a powder like substance after when it dries and is blended in your skin.


    Good Luck

  15. Ok, it really depends on what you want to do, do you just want to cover it up??? if so, then I suggest getting good primer, I like Benefit's Dr. Feelgood but there are many choices out there, use a tinted moisturizer, and then put on a heavy coverage foundation, I never used it myself, but my more mature (wrinkles *shh*) friends swear by De La Mer $$$ for the best coverage. Then just keep touching up with oil absorbing powder so the makeup doesn't fall off.

    Granted, this will probably not help reduce your acne if it doesn't make it worst. So if you don't just want to cover it, but you actually want to get rid of it, the best way of course is no makeup and keeping balanced and clean skin. Since that is not what you want either, I do think mineral makeup is a safe bet. But you can also try a powder foundation, I can't suggest one to you because the only one I've used made my skin dry and irritated (I have ezcema) so I stay away from that stuff, but it does dry the skin.

    Just an idea but I've never tried: Try making your own tinted moisturizer with a lotion that contains Salicide Acide (not sure on spelling), and use that before putting on your EDM for extra coverage and some acne fighting. I've used Kielh's blue acne moisturizer and I liked it, but I didn't have heavy acne, I had some pimples though.

  16. The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil Cover Stick ($9). Tea tree oil is good for acne b/c it is a natural antiseptic. Also Cle de Peau's concealer which has oil absorbing kaolin clay and bentonite ($68). Avoid formulas with petrolatum (petroleum) or mineral oil. To read reviews of a product before you buy it, visit

    You should also try the prescription medication Benzamycin. It's pretty expensive, but it was the only topical solution that has ever worked for me.

    And you wanna know a secret cure for acne?.. email me for the answer.  

  17. This will work wonders.  It is a foundation and also an anti-zit medication with salicylic acid, the same stuff you buy to fight pimples.

    Almay Clear Complexion make-up.

    Wal Mart has it for about $11, K-Mart would probably have it too.  

    I used to have skin like what you described until I started using that about three years ago.  Never again will my skin be that way.  If they ever quit making it, I don't know what I'll do!  Try it, it will work.

  18. Please dont cover it up, it makes it worse.

    Wash your face everyday, the best product for acne is proactive. They

    have newer ones but those are prescription meds and you dont know

    what they can do to other parts of your body, what happens if you stop

    using it or what happens to you in the future. Im a proud user of

    proactive, i wouldnt ever use any other acne treatment. Its pricy but

    its definitely worth it. But wash your face every morning, dont scrub

    your face dry with a towel, gently touch your face with a towel until

    your skin dries. Then apply acne treatment to your face, make sure

    its a little wet though. After applying, use foundation, i used whipped

    foundation because it makes my skin look more flawless and you

    cant see the powder anywhere on your face. Also use something

    above it, like bronzer/blush. Thats pretty much basic.

  19. for starters, clinique has this little foundation stick. its part of their "acne solutions" line. it looks like eyeliner, but is the color of your skin. you use it literally like a crayon, and draw over your pimples. then blend in the edges. the nice part is that it actually helps to clear up the has something in it to help dry them up, and not clog your pores like normal foundation would. if you still aren't satisfied, try then to dust some powder over your face. hope i helped!

  20. i use trublend, u can get it at any drugstore, but to help your acne use clearisil cleanshing whipes, they worked really well for me but everyone's skin is different, i have pretty bad skin myself, but i found that using liquid cover up and then powder (lightly, i stress LIGHTLY put on, if its applied too thick it makes u look pasty and cakey) over it works good.

  21. dream matte mouse is really good if you get your right skin colour and i like the new australis one they there is like a brush on the end i would say don't use powder and use more liquid then anything else a good face scrub is lacura there is a blue one and a green one first use the blue then the green one you can fined it in aldis. hope i helped

  22. Use cliniqes superfit makeup it is really good coverage and its good if you have oily skin, ts non-comedegenic so it wont add to the acne. You can get it at macy's and some sephoras. I also use cliniques line smoothing concealor even though I have no wrinkles, it just smoothes the appearance of bumpy skin.  It wont look cakey or a funny color either, its good stuff!

  23. Why don't you try fixing your skin with acne problems first then just using one of those acne products that forms a protective layer over the skin enabling you to be able to wear foundation with aggravating your skin and causing more zits, like this

    As for an actual good foundation. Everyone's skin is different. You should try ulta or sephora or basically anywhere you can walk in and have make up people help you find what matches and looks great on your skin.

  24. The Physician's Formula mineral wear collection is great. It's mineral foundation powder, but it has great coverage, feels really light (like you're not wearing makeup), blends perfectly - and best of all, you can get it in any Walgreens or Walmart or whatever, unlike other mineral makeup lines.

    It's not nearly expensive as BareMinerals, but it's not cheap, either. It does last a really long time though

  25. I've used pro-active and it's worked wonders:  I would breakout in pimples and blackheads, since I have really oily skin.  My life savor has been monthly facials, extractions are the key to a beautiful clear skin.  They hurt, but well worth it no regrets.  You'll have to search for a good fascilist who is not lazy to do them sometimes places do extractions like three times only.  So it's a matter of finding a good one, ask around.  I go to one in Whittier, CA she's awesome.  

  26. My daughter has fairly bad pimples, and what helped her was this:

    - clean your face well every day with a gentle foaming wash

    - use Nivea lotion in the small, white, flat can (not oily at all!)

    - apply a few dabs of concealer on only the worst zits

    - leave the rest of your face clean of makeup to prevent pimples

    - take a kids' multi-vitamin to get enough vitamin E (for your skin)

    - drink water to keep your skin well-hydrated

    - if absolutely necessary, use CoverGirl CG Smoothers Make-up, but wash off as soon as you can to avoid clogged pores and oil build-up

    Using these methods, her skin cleared up significantly within about 2 weeks, and looked great with a month. Smearing more make-up onto zits only makes them worse. Hope this helps!...:-)

  27. ive never been a cover girl fan but i use there cg advanced radaince foundation because i have a pimple sized bite on my face that wont go away. but this foundation covers it. they also have a matching concealer stick that works good 2.

    have you ever tried proactive solution? if you cleared your skin up you wouldnt have to cover it up.. (: `

  28. MAC makes an airbrush foundation it comes in a can  and  you just spray your face i do my neck to and then just lightly blot with a round Sponge . The coverage is great . Also you can only get it at a MAC store not a Norstroms that sell Mac and  you usually have for it , its there best kept secret hope this helps

  29. This is the best advise I can give you because when I was much younger I had serious complexion  problems.  I bit the bullet and made an apointment with a skin doctor..dermatologist..he will steer you in the right direction.  Because each of us is so different..he knows the proper combination for your skin doctor sold a certain brand of makeup and between being treated and using his producs I now have a complextion that is your case you need treatment along with the it can clog your pores..good luck and I know you will look just great..time heals all..

  30. I would have suggested bareminerals because it did clear up my skin. Any other liquid foundation will really make it worse long term.

    Here are tips:

      For pimples, put toothpaste for 15 mins, it'll dry it up and it'll be gone in a day or two. If it's red, drop some visine and it'll take the red out ( i know weird but it works.

      To get rid of pimples, cut lemon and rub on face (be gentle) let stay for 15-20 minutes and rinse well before bedtime.  If you are sensitive skin put a little on the inside of your arms and see what happens first.

      Drink lots of water and no soda! It really works. Also eating fruits and vegetables really help fight the breakouts and stress is a big factor.

    Ok about foundation, I don't do it anymore but when I have really big pimples and not have enough time to do the toothpaste thing, I use a Loreal liquid foundation only on the pimples by dabbing with finger and then when dry I use the Bare Minerals mineral veil or something of that sort to give me a translucent and natural look.


  31. it's better if you don't apply makeup, but if you really need to then just wash your face first, then tone it so that it's a velvety feeling and the makeup will look great. put concealers first. use liquid ones depending on your skin color to perfectly hide your pimples. maxfactor also has a liquid over-all foundation which is easy to blend. try it!

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