
What is your favorite frapuccino drink at starbucks?

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I want to try more drinks. Any custom ones you guys reccomend? I always try the caramel frapuccino with extra caramel. What other extras should I add or do you guys add?




  1. Mmmmmmmmm....... The chai is to die for!!!!!!

    It is especially good if you shake some nutmeg on top! It tastes like candy in a cup ^_^

  2. my dad used to work there so i have tried them all,but my FAV, is the vanilla bean YUM!!! with caramel drizzeled on top, sooo  goooood! i want one now =(

  3. I personally like the strawberries and creme frapuccino cause it tastes like strawberries. or the vanilla bean frapuccino you'll like it if u like vanilla ice cream.

  4. I like Mocha or Strawberry Creme Frappucino

  5. Mocha Chip

  6. I have two favorites: Peppermint and Orange cream.

    They only sell these at certain times of the year. Unless you ask very nicely (they actually keep the mixes in the store).

    These are a favorite of my kids as well.

  7. Vendi Caramel Frap with extra Caramel.  The only way to drink them is Vendi...

  8. Try the white chocolate mocha frap....If you like the caramel frap you will like this also! :)

  9. I like the mocha.

  10. White Mocha Frappuchino

  11. Nope im just like you always with the caramel

    but i think imma try the green tea one

  12. I personally Love the Vanilla Bean!!!

    My fiancee loves the passion lemonade iced tee. Although that has nothing to do with a frapuccino.

  13. I love the caramel too!  Mocha is probably my second favorite.  I haven't ever added anything, but that's a great idea!

  14. "Vanilla Bean"

  15. my favorite frapuccino drink at starbucks are the caramel frapuccino with whip-cream on top and u should try it 'cause it is so gooodddddd...if u like caramel u'll like this and it's the best*-*

  16. java chip was good and so is mocha!

  17. I love the chocolate chip mint frap.

  18. java chip is my favorite

  19. My favorite used to be the dulche de leche- It was amazing.  They got rid of it.  I used to get that all the time.  Now it is rare that I get it but when I do it will be the same as you, caramel with extra caramel.  Try Panera's caramel frozen drink.

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