
What is your favorite game? (Video game, comp game, etc)?

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My favorite game would have to be Zelda. I can't pick which one of them is my favorite, they're all awesome!

Second fav is a tie between Guitar Hero or Halo. ^^




  1. kingdom hearts 2

  2. i love pc games very much,such as cod 4/2, bf serials,diablo 2

    and i found the all of the games  in  a store .they are very cheap. here i want to share the good place  Cdkey-Game.Com-Trustworthy and Globle Game Cd-key Online Store. more buy more discount! enjoy yourself!

  3. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare best game ever

    got 10/10 & game of da year

  4. Tag. I think that falls under etc. I remember being really good at it, but haven't played since middle school. (Yes my middle school had recess)

  5. I'd have to say Rogue Galaxy. It's a wonderful and beautiful game.

  6. The Sims 2

    Guitar Hero 3

    Halo 3


  7. I like a weird variety.

    Kingdom Hearts

    Call of duty (#4 especially)


    Command & conquer

    Roller coaster tycoon (original)

    Between them it would be hard to choose a favorite

  8. kingdom hearts games, the best in my opinion  

  9. The Final Fantasy series for sure. Specifically IV, VI, VII, and IX. All of them are phenomenal games.

  10. Actually I have a lot of favorites. But the best game I've played is Warcraft

    or Dota( A warcraft map). The game is pure tactics and dexterity. The game emphasizes more on your  strategy. Without a strategy you would surely drown and it develops hand and eye coordination. Although they say that video games can make you dumb. But I think it depends on your preference.

    First is warcraft

    Second would probably be Pokemon or maybe The Sims

  11. legend of zelda Phantom hourglass

    then halo

  12. Warcraft 3.  

    Hands down.

  13. My favs. are Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Resistance, Jak and Daxter, Gears, Halo, COD, and Zelda.  

  14. Saints Row

    Assassin's Creed


    All the Tony Hawks {except project 8 tht one FAILED}

  15. The original Pokemon games, Chrono Trigger, and Warcraft 2

  16. d**n. thats a pretty hard question. im stuck between pokemon crystal, ninja gaiden(XBOX),donkey kong 64 and zelda and final fantasy VII crisis core. d**n. well those are my favorite games. not sure which is 1st thuogh. im thinking either final fantasy or pkmn.

  17. It's a tie between Harvest Moon 64 and Harvest Moon:Island of Happiness.

  18. My top choices would have to be between Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Smash Bros Brawl, and Guitar hero 3.

  19. zelda and marios kool but i really like the kirby series

  20. Grand Theft Auto IV, the Pokemon games, The Sims 2, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2

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