
What is your favorite golf course?

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If we get 20 or so answers well see if we have a winner!




  1. By and far, Disney's Magnolia Course. During the summer it's a hot steamy course with Spanish moss, cicadas, crickets, gnats, and of course the namesake tree wherever you look. Barring the tradition of Augusta National, I'd say it's the best southern course around.

    ... I know some of you are thinking that steamy heat and gnats would be a turn-off, but trust me -- it's a southern thing.

  2. Favorite course that I have been on?  Augusta National

    Favorite Course that I have played? This is a tough one, I have few that I really like.  Greenbrier (any of the three) in White Sulfur Springs, WV.  Crow Creek in Calabash, NC.   Dunes West in Mt. Pleasant, SC.  Piper Glen in Charlotee, NC.  Tobacco Road in Sanford, NC.

    These are a few of my personal favorites, but I have only been on 2-3 that I didn't like.

  3. Typically, courses with wider fairways and faster greens that are not beat to death. BUT, I'll play any course, really it doesn't matter as long as I'm somewhere between the 5th and 14th holes - the world doesn't matter then.

  4. The Royal Cape Golf Course in Cape Town South Africa

  5. My Favourite course that I have played is here in Australia. It is The NSW Golf Club at La Perouse in Sydney. It is the truest test of golf that I have ever experienced.

    I also loved playing Royal Melbourne, Kingston Heath and The National (Cape Schank)

    A course I have seen on TV and one I'll be playing when I tour Tasmania at Xmas 2009 is Barnbougle Dunes. It is STUNNING

    I enjoyed Pebble beach when I played it in 1979

    The Old Course at St Andrews is special I played it 3 times in 1977, but I think you would have to play it a bit to really get it.

    Of all the courses I have seen but not played 3 stand out as ones I would love to play before I die

    Augusta National

    Cypress Point

    Whistling Straits

  6. Shaugnhessy golf course (private)

  7. Digby Pines Golf and Country Club in Digby, Nova Scotia.

  8. My home course...TPC Sawgrass.

  9. Torrey Pines South

    I'm Twelve Years Old and bomb with the rest of em.

  10. Pinehurst No.2, Pinehurst, North Carolina. Nothing else compares.

  11. Oakridge Golf Club,Port Perry Ont

  12. Chambers Bay, Tacoma, Washington

  13. Hi,

    The Old Course at St Andrews - not only a great course but you really savour the history and atmosphere of the place.

  14. I would have to say that I enjoy playing one of my local par 3 courses for practicing my irons. This course is called Reidy Creek. The greens are nice and firm and can measure up to 12 on the stimpmeter. For a full size course I like to go Mount Woodson, it's short as far as courses go but the difficulty of the course more than makes up for the lack of length. Many of my workmates at times will leave their driver at home, which is saying something since I work in for a golf company with many golfers with handicaps in the teens and lower.

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