
What is your favorite good deed?

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Were you on the receiving end or on the giving end of it?




  1. when my tire blew out on the freeway a guy stopped and changed it for me. it was very nice of him.

  2. I work in a assisted living home for seniors.  I love to see people volunteer their time. I think it is a great deed.  Some of these people have no family and they get so lonely.  I also think giving blood is a good deed.  In each case the deed cost you nothing, but many rewards given.

  3. it's not raiding the kitchen...

  4. I am always on the giving end of a good dead but its like Carma something good always happens to good people  so I'm on the receiving end allot to. But the good dead that always makes me feel great afterwords is when you see a kid sitting in the corner or something you go talk to them and say how is your day and stuff, when you make them feel like someone cares, could you imagine if you were that person and you just wanted a friend.

  5. Always looking for someone who needs help. Try to do something for someone else at least once a week. Now or days with the economy their are alot of people in need. Hey, M. P. hows your life going? Everyone needs a little love once in a while.Here a little coming your way.xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

    P.S. remember what you do in life, will always be returned in one way or another, sometimes in unexpected ways, I never expect anything in return. I also help an elderly woman who is home and bed bound, out of bed in the morning, and back to bed at noon, al;so go back and do the same thing at night. A good deed is about giving and doing, not recieving.

  6. I placed coins in a meter that expired.  In my town there is but one "meter man" and he enjoys ticketing the cars. It was fun being annoymous in the giving.  Just helped because my heart dictated to be as such...a nice thing to do for someone else.  The end .  Thaks for letting me share. Good question.

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