
What is your favorite home remedy?

by  |  earlier

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mine is a potato for warts. You cut it the potato in half and rub it on the wart then bury the potato. It worls !




  1. Canned cream on sunburn!

  2. Echinacea, works every time when I feel a cold coming on.

  3. Suck and chew fresh ginger piece with little salt for soar throat.

  4. peel of banana from inside it has something as nub put it on warts before the peel of banana getting black and let on them for 4 hours

  5. toothpaste on pimples!

  6. rue:can help expel poison from the system from snake bites, jellyfishbites, scorpion stings, spider bites and so on

    passion flower:used to calm down hyperchildren and make them fall asleep

    lemon grass:used to get rid of stress recomended for feverish colds

    Ginger: good for fighting off colds and flus helps with headaches

    these are just some simple ones for more info go to

  7. Marijuana and a good f*cking by my love, K., by far.  Puts me into an indescribably happy place.  Other than that, probably echinaecea or Bach Flower Rescue Remedy Cream.  Takes the pain out of burns immediately.  Real black licorice for coughs works really well, too.

  8. Nettle Tea would definitely have to be my couldn't live without herb ♥

    Nettle is an herb very high in vitamin K, which guards against excessive bleeding. Nettle improves kidney function neutralizes uric acid, preventing its crystallization, aiding in its elimination from the system, thus relieving gout and arthritis. Nettle is useful as a tea for anemic children, due to its nutritive value....... so will also increase your energy & fatigue levels... Nettle is also high in minerals such as iron, calcium, sulfur, sodium, copper, manganese, chromium, and silicon. Nettle is also used as an astringent to help stop bleeding and to reduce menses flow............. that time of the month has never been so good. Nettle is also a blood purifier and assists in lowering blood pressure.

    Check out this link it may be usefull for you ~

    Really and truly, try the nettle tea (if you are a female of course it works wonders for the excessive bleeding) and nourishes you with precious calcium, iron, vitamin K, etc... at the same time.... works for me and i used to have hideous monthy pain & exhaustion .... ;0)

    Simply go get yourself some of the loose leaf, organic variety of the herb from the health food store and put 1 - 2 teaspoons full into a teapot and top with hot water.... leave to brew for 10 - 15 minutes and drink up♥

    Please also ensure that you still drink plenty of fresh filtered water as nettle is a natural diuretic ♥

    This link will provide you with more information on herbs and their uses ~

    peace 2 u

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