
What is your favorite homeschool activity for kindergarten -first graders?

by Guest62811  |  earlier

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What is your favorite homeschool activity for kindergarten -first graders?




  1. Well my Daughter is 6 and she loves to go on nature walks because she enjoys bird watching, animal watching, collecting leaves and rocks. She also enjoys taking pictures while we are out of the things she sees that are interesting to her and come home and talk about it, research the things she loves on the internet and in books, and write and draw pictures of the things we have seen.

    She is big on art of all kinds- often she will see or hear something and go and grab her pens and start drawing it.

    She also loves to cook and make up recipes. We do this quite often.

    She loves to play games on the xbox like Brain Challenge that tests her skills- math-etc.

    She loves playing boardgames and learning games that I make up that teach her words, reading, math, etc.

  2. CRAFT!! my daughter loves crafts! Her favorite is painting.

    And games are also cool. We play bingo with shapes and colors, go fish, memory... Kids at that age are very energetic and hands-on so give them something to DO!

  3. My youngest son is 6 and he loves to cook with me, (which teaches him measurements, science, etc.) also he loves just about anykind of field trips. We are in a homeschooling group in our area and we plan field trips together. And any kind of art.

  4. Well I was still in public school at that age (we hadn't starated HSing yet), and I don't have aany children of my own aas I'm only 17, but I would see if your local homeschool group has any art programs or music programs that sound like fun. Also have a look at things in the community. Where I live, there's a local hands-on science museum that has a monthly science day (always a different topic) for homeschoolers in the younger age groups. The local historical museum also has a monthly class/activity daya for homeschoolers, as does the Thomas Alva Edison estate. Theirs is focused on Environmental Science and Technology. Our local aquarium has a homeschooler class/activity every month too, and then there's a music shop that has a weekly program for homeschoolers. So really if you schedule things right (here at least) you could be playing with robotics and planting a tree at the Edison estate one friday, role playing a period in history to learn what life was like back then the next week, making and launching carbon dioxide rockets at the science center the next, feeding dolphins and sting rays the next, then starting all over agaian with new activities, and all the while you've got a fun, engaging music class every week. So look around in your community, at the homeschool group, the library (they usuallly have LOTS of kids activities), the community center, museums, zoos, wildlive preserves, science centers, planetariums, parks, and so on. See what you can find.

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