
What is your favorite kind of dog? and why?

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What is your favorite kind of dog? and why?




  1. Golden English Setter.........friendly, kind, LOYAL

  2. golden labs

    keen hunting instinct which makes them very intelligent




  3. BIG dogs, any kind

    i cant stand little ones, god their sooo annoying...and gross...

  4. golden retreavers

    because their loyal easy to train

    big but very kind

    great with kids and all around good looking dog

  5. Bergamasco: they are big and powerful and independent and great for a single owner

  6. BorderCollie or Malamute.  BorderCollie because my girls is so cute, loving will hug me when I need it and always there.

  7. An English Bulldog because they look cool. And I like how they waddle and snore when they sleep.

  8. My golden retriever! She's the prettiest ever!

    Honestly all dogs are lovely... they're loyal and playful and incredibly comforting when need be. But I guess if I had to pick one, I'd pick golden retrievers since I have one!

  9. Rottweilers cause they are sweet, smart, loyal, good looking and.....

    I love them.

  10. Miniature Schnauzers-- they are the most fun, lovable, smart, loyal, kind, sweet, playful, energetic, mild tempered pups around!  I have 2 and they are amazing!  They are really sweet, non-shedding, BEAUTIFUL and very loyal-- smart too!  They only weigh about 12-14 lbs each which is perfect for me bc i don't have a HUGE house or an incredible amount of yard for them so big dogs are not really an option...but these aren't TINY dogs either, they're big enough to play with and wrestle around with or whatever but also small enough that you can take them EVERYWHERE with you!  I think this is the only kind of dog i will ever have again, and i have had lots of dogs in my time!

  11. Chihuahua, They are loyal and will always be by yourside when you need them and even when you dont, they bark when someone enters the house to let you know that someone is entering and theyy are small. i lovee myy chihuahua!!!!

  12. I love beagles, because they are the perfect sized dog, plus they're very athletic, and are loyal to their owners.

  13. Jack Russel's by far, there active and very smart, they keep you on your toes and there extremely cute!

  14. the one that looks like a cat because they are fluffy, cuter, cleaner, and independent except when they want your loving and sit on your work to give them attention.

  15. labs, maltese, pugs, beagle

    these are all cute and playful

  16. a chiwuawua,

    because i hav one and shes my little princess

  17. a Husky. they are so furry, loyal, big, and strong and ADORABLE! i want a light brown one named Mia... but i would take any! ♥

  18. Airdale Terrior - because they are EPIC!!!

  19. oo thats a hard one umm i love catahoula leopard dogs there super smart and awesome guard dogs oh and of course my lil princess chiwawa!!

  20. i like the yorkshire terrior because they are SO cute and luvable...oh nd small. (((i have 1)))

  21. Shiba Inus, because they are bold, independent, and think they are king of the world :)

  22. labradors i dont exactly know y i just really love them and i have this little toy dog which is a golden lab i had it since i was 6 im now 13 nd she is called billy-girl one of my aunties had a golden lab called billy-girl and i named my toy doggy after her coz she remined me of my aunties dog and my aunties dog got bitten by a snake and she died =[ i miss billy-girl


  23. Lab! Golden Rtrvr, or, black Lab! very loving, lovable!

  24. Scottish Rough Collies...they are super intelligent, friendly yet aloof, and very loyal and loving to their family.

  25. i really like golden retrievers because their sooo friendly! i also really like beichon frises because there really cute and cuddly =)

  26. Well I have a golden retriever and she is great. She is very mellow, yet playful when you get her riled up. She is good with kids, and is very smart. I also have a soft coated wheaton terrier. She is adorable, but very skittish, and kinda crazy.

    I would have to say my favorite breed though would be a german shepard. They are mighty, and loyal, protective and beautiful.  

  27. Golden retrivers.they are so cute and playful. there also friendly.

  28. Corn dog. More delicious than any other breed...except maybe Poodles on Noodles or Sweet and Sour Schnauzer.

  29. Siberian Huskies - they are gorgeous, incredibly intelligent, hard-working, adorable, playful, loyal, sweet dogs.

  30. I love german shepherds because they are so intelligent! They are also wonderful babysitters. I also like that they are energetic dogs that adore a good run, and enjoy the water, too.

    I had a german shepherd once that not only figured out how to unlock her kennel, but how to unlock the back sliding door. Her motive? Her intense desire to eat the neighbors chihuahua. She could also recognize words that were spelled, and would sing on command.

    I find that they are wonderful, loyal companions, and like all dogs - once you really get to know your pet, you can read so much of their language and emotions not only in their body language and mannerisms, but even just by looking in their eyes!  

  31. beagle- cute, loving, trusting, perfect size

    please answer mine!;...

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