
What is your favorite last shot of a movie and why?

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For me it has to be Magnolia, hands down. The final shot is of heroin addict Claudia, Melora Walters, sitting up in a bed in tears after a series of insane events with Officer Jim Kurring, John C. Reilly, walking towards the foot of the bed and speaking too softly to hear through Aimee Mann's ballad "Save Me" playing over the background. The conversation is nonspecific but one we've all said or heard at one point in our lives. Just when the song breaks into it's main chorus Claudia looks right into the camera with glassy eyes and smiles. Then black and rolling credits. Shakes me up every time.




  1. I don't know if this is my favorite, more just upsetting and memorable.

    Jacob's Ladder. When Tim Robbins sees his son (who has pasted away) sitting on the staircase. Goes over, takes his hand and goes with him up the stairs.

  2. the last scene from silence of the lambs

    "I do wish we could chat longer, but... I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye."

  3. The Third Man has one of the greatest closing scenes in my opinion. Joseph Cotton on a dirt road lined with trees, watching Alina Vallis as she passed him without looking. Cotton tosses his cigarette aside and the scene fades. Anton Karas's theme song (played on a zither) makes the scene wonderfully poignant.


    I liked the final shot from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" where we see the Ark being carted into the vast, endless warehouse never to be seen again!

  5. Dude. American Beauty. Easy. Tells you - and the whole world - that we'll all see it. Someday. As it pans out over the neighborhood.

  6. My favorite last shot of a movie is " The Bourne Ultimatum" when Jason swims away.

    My favorite last shot of a movie is " The Dark Knight"  

  7. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade-

    the ULTIMATE adventure ending.  The continuous shot of the four riding of into the sunset rolls for several minutes throughout the main credits while John Williams' great soundtrack plays.  Iconic in every way.

  8. for me, the last part of my sassy girl in korean version.

    who would have thought that inspite of what happened to gyun woo and jeon ji hyun, they will meet no matter what...

    *note: pls watch my sassy girl in korean's really good!

  9. I thought everyone's would have been Clark Gable in Gone With The Wind,'Fankly my dear,I don't give a d**n.'

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