
What is your favorite natural disaster? Which ones have you been into?

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I've felt some earthquakes but none above 4 on the richter scale. I've been in 3 hurricanes, it was so awesome.




  1. I would love to see a tornado... But from pretty far away lol, I wouldn't want my house to be in it's path. I was in a hurricane when I was little, and that was really scary...

  2. Hurricanes all the way

  3. Hurricanes. They can bring in mermaids.

  4. I have been in through 2 hurricanes here in Virginia. Isabelle, and Floyd. There were awesome because they were cat ones and nobody got hurt. The bad thing is i had no power for 2 weeks. No natural disasters are my favorite b/c they do destruction and kill people, but weak hurricanes are very fun. When isabelle came, which was around 80 mph winds when it got to me, i went outside and played in it. It was very fun. As long as hurricanes are not too strong and doesn't do much damage, and the power doesn't stay off for long, then i love them

  5. I don't think a DISASTER is any ones favourite. On a recent holiday to the Philippines, I've seen a long rainstorm. Course, it looked great from inside the car where I was sitting, but outside, people were struggling to return home with a full sack of rice on their shoulders. Also, I once saw and felt a weak earthquake, but all the people from the hotel looked in worry upon the building, seeing if it would stand or fall. Trust me, you wouldn't want to see a disaster personally.

  6. I would never say that I wish these kind of events,  and I am a weather forecaster/meteorologist.   I've seen tornadoes up close as an observer and forecaster and forecasted for hurricane events with radio stations in the tropics.   They damage and lives ruined are not my thing.  Interesting how they happen and mind boggling is the damage they do.

  7. When I lived in Florida, I saw two hurricanes that did a lot of damage elsewhere. They were Floyd and Georges. In 1999, we took a direct hit from Irene, which was a Category-1 hurricane. It wasn't particularly windy but caused a lot of flooding. I also saw blizzards in Colorado, including one that occurred in October.

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