
What is your favorite over the top rope wrestling dive (not move), but suicide dive variation?

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Mine is the tope con giro, and the Asai Moonsault




  1. twisting thunder.

  2. The Asai Moonsault is a great move, but I personally really like Jack Evans's Springboard 720 Moonsault to the outside, it's an amazing move.

    I could only find that video where he lands on his head because the others didn't catch him, but it's still a great move.

  3. I like the classic Asai moonsault as well

  4. I like when people do the shooting star press off the top rope to outside the ring, i think AJ Styles might have done it before, but it always looks impressive. And i know what you're talking about i don't mean off the top turnbuckle. I mean off the actual rope.

  5. I would say the shooting star press of the ropes and rolling thunder to the outside in mid air.. they are both fun and entertainment.

  6. between a diving senton like rey mysterio or a mickie james top rope lou thesz press

  7. Tope con Giro

  8. the undertaker where he jumps over the ropes like a missile without touching them and lands on his opponent (not sure of the name but he does it at every wrestlemania)

  9. Tadpole splash

  10. el blazers neck balance fake dive

    yoshitsunes cartwheel springboard shooting star dive

    PACs handspring no hands corckscrew moonsault to the outside

    Ricochets climb up springboard double rotation (720) moonsault

    good question


    edit: oh and i forgot manami toyotas sprinting no hands senton plancha

    jack evans space flying tiger drop

  11. definately matt sydals runing handspring corkscrew moonsault

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