
What is your favorite place you have traveled?

by Guest62492  |  earlier

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and why?





  1. Tokyo because it was strangely homelike but not. The people were very nice. Shopping was great. It was beautiful. I love Tokyo and recommend it to everyone!

  2. I've traveled quite a bit... both domestic and international. But I have to say Paris is my all time favorite place to visit.

    It's so beautiful, romantic and cosmopolitan. There are so many things to see and do. It's easy to get around and the history is amazing. I can sit for hours in a sidewalk cafe and watch all the beautiful people walk by... even the old people are beautiful.

  3. I have never been anywhere as exciting as Hong Kong ! East meets West, with all the glamor and magic of James Bond - old Chinese Junk boats, sky scrapers with a zillion lights, sipping cocktails and the air full of tasty Chinese Street cooking smells!!

  4. Israel - the history alone is worth it. I've been there twice and would go back in a minute.

    Fabulous people too.

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