
What is your favorite "Stupid Pet Trick" ?

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I don't really have one, but my cat was just doing some pretty weird stuff. He does this occasionally, when he gets all wound up, for whatever reason. It usually coincides with the phases of the moon.

He will go screaming down the hall, straight into the living room, and pounce on this Oriental rug he knows he is not supposed to mess with. He digs his claws in, and his momentum turns it into a big kitty skim board, he goes sliding halfway across the room, on the rug.

What I really wanted to talk about was his wall climbing. Sometimes he will combine the two maneuvers, but usually the wall is separate. He literally runs straight up the wall, almost to the ceiling, and then runs down again, like some kind of kitty Spiderman. I don't know how he does it, but it is quite impressive. Sometimes he does both sides of the hallway. What a nut.





  1. My dog is a real spaz sometimes. Once, when I hadn't taken him out for a couple of hours, he started shaking his rawhide bone (which was little more than a slobbery white mass) around and smacking himself on the sides of his face. Than he let go in mid-swing and sailed over my bed and out the window. I live in a seventh story apartment. Then he gave me the saddest look ever, because he had lost his treasure, so I went down and got it at two in the morning. Stupid dog...

  2. My dog skateboards a little

  3. Whenever I sneeze, my dog sneezes.

    We go back and forth until we are both madly running in circles sneezing.

    Call me stupid, but I think it is absolutely hilarious.

  4. Well of course the all time favorite of the cats is to follow a laser light!

  5. sock pupet

  6. cats and dogs with lasers by far. they're just so cute!

  7. My dog can do a backflip and its so stupid that after she does it she sneezes everytime i dont know why???

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