
What is your favorite quote from Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes?

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I just finished reading Nineteen Minutes and I loved it! Now I just need some amazing quotes from it, Help me outt.




  1. People never really lose hope.

  2. 'I was in your French class, did you know that? I sat in the row by the window, second from the back. You always seemed sort of mysterious, and I liked your smile.

    I would have liked to be your friend'

    - letter from Angela Phlug to Peter

    '"I didn't want to be treated like him," Josie said, answeing her mother, when what she really meant was, I wasn't brave enough.'

    - when her mother asks about the letter Peter had emailed to her

    "Here, no one would talk about him as if her were an animal"

    - Peter in jail

    'The prosecutor took a step closer. "You never put together a plan, like Peter, to go through the school systematically killing the people who had hurt you the most, did you, Dereck?"

    Dereck turned to Peter, so that he could look him square in the eye when he answered. "No," he said. "But sometimes I wish I had."'

    'She had nothing left inside. She'd given it all to her son. And that was the greatest heartbreak of all - no matter how spectacular we want our children to be, no matter how perfect we pretend they are, they are bound to disappoint. As it turns out, kids are more like us than we think: damaged, through and through.'

    - Lucy after cashier talks about her, not knowing who she was.

    'But as Peter reached out with the tampon, he suddenly realized that this was what it looked like from the other side, when he was being put through h**l.

    ... "Stop," he said softly, and then he turned around to the next three students waiting in line to humiliate Dolores. "Just stop already."

    - Six Years Before

    "I never thought there was any problem," she admitted. "I didn't know Peter was upset. I didn't know he wanted to kill himself. I didn't know any of those things." She began to cry. "All those families out there, I don't know what to say to them. I wish I could tell them that I lost someone, too, I just lost him a long time ago."

    - Lacy's conversation with Selena

    "Peter was getting ragged on long before he ever showed up at that meeting" she said

    - Natalie to Patrick regarding  the GLAAD meeting

    "He used to tell people I was adopted. That my mother was a crack w***e, and that's why my brain was all f*cked up. Sometimes he did it right in front of me, and when I'd get pissed off and whale on him he'd just laugh and knock me on my a*s and then he'd look back to his friends, as if this was proof of everything he'd been saying in the first place"

    - Peter about his brother, Joey.

    "How come you're acting like this? he said

    Because when I was nice to you, you thought we were friends.

    But we are friends, he replied.

    Josie had faced him. You don't get to decide that, she said."

    During work, between Josie and Peter

  3. "Something still exists as long as there’s someone around to remember it." (Alex Cormier)

    "Everyone thinks you make mistakes when you’re young, but I don’t think we make any fewer when we’re grown up." (Alex Cormier)

    great book, except i wasn't really satisfied w/ the ending

  4. I can't think of any quotes off-hand, but the book was awesome. Go back and read the conversations Peter and Jordan have. I think that's what moved me the most.

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