
What is your favorite quote of all times, which is about Christianity, or quoted from a Christian?

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What is your favorite quote of all times, which is about Christianity, or quoted from a Christian?




  1. "God, give us  the  serenity  to accept the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. " Reinhold Niebuhr ( although it is sometimes called the prayer of St. Francis)

    We used to say this everyday in school.  Later, I found out it is used by Alcoholics Anonymous.  There are a few different versions.

  2. “Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return.” - Bible

  3. knock and the door will open --ask and ye shall reseive-----------this is a day the lord has made rejoyce and be glade in it

  4. “When you think that nobody loves you, remember that He still does.” – mrg 03

    “I never know what is going to happen in my life but I know that it is good for now or later or even both because I believe in Him.” – mrg 04

    “I find the meaning of my life when I am thanking You for this life.” – mrg 06

    “He doesn’t give you things you want, He gives you things He wants, as His choices are better than yours for your life.” – mrg 07

    “Every plan You have for me is every path I want to take for my life.” – mrg 08

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