
What is your favorite recipe for homemade red Thai curry sauce?

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I really don't like the jarred ones here in the US, and the ones of tried to make at home always seem a little off. Please let me know if you've made a great one and what you used. Thanks!!




  1. I have to be honest and say that I have not tried this recipe myself as the ingredients are hard to find in Hawaii and it is a little too time consuming. Since curry is popular where I live, we have a good selection of powdered curries.  I do remember a friend telling me once that the secret to a good curry was in the making of the "paste".  Thus the following recipe for red curry paste.

    5 dried whole red chilies, seeded and soaked

    5 shallots, sliced

    10 cloves garlic

    1 tsp galangal, finely sliced

    1 tbsp lemon grass, sliced

    1 tbsp kaffir lime rind, finely sliced (optional)

    2 tsp chopped fresh coriander root

    5 black whole peppercorns

    1 tbsp ground roasted coriander seed

    1 tsp roasted cumin (find out how to dry-roast spices)

    1 tsp sea salt

    1 tsp shrimp paste

    Pound together coriander seeds, cumin, and peppercorns to obtain a fine paste in a mortar and pestle. Spoon into a bowl and put aside.

    Pound dried chilies and salt together, add galangal, lemon grass, kaffir lime rind, coriander roots, garlic, shallots and pound well. Add the cumin mixture, follow with shrimp paste. Pound until everything is well-combined. Freeze any leftover paste up to 2 months in a zip lock bag, in tablespoon size portions, making it easy to add to future soups or curries as needed.

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