
What is your favorite saying♥?

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mine is...........Its just not right♥




  1. "One Day At A Time."

  2. I tend to say Holy Shizznitz a lot!!

  3. it is what it is

  4. "People who rain on your parade do so because they don't have a parade of their own."

  5. Peace be with you.

  6. “Give a child a hammer and everything becomes a nail."

    This quotation comes from Abraham Kaplan's Law of the Instrument and it is often mistakenly attributed to Mark Twain. It is mentioned in Donne Colton et. al vs. New York Hospital in 1976.

  7. What ever goes goes.

  8. Other peoples kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is my favourite saying.

  9. if the world didnt suck so much we would all fall off ;)

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