
What is your favorite season or time of the year?

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I must say that mine is autumn because I love the color of fall leaves and the fact that it gets cooler but not freezing and I love the fall fashions...what about you?




  1. I live in Vermont, 5th generation.  Most here would say fall, which I do love.  Mine would be winter, I love the blanket of snow, the freshness in the air and seeing animal tracks.  The truth~  I don't even ski! LOL

    The snow covers up a lot of ugliness and makes everything seemingly beautiful, even those pine trees most hate so much.  It may be the toughest season, but it is what brings the rebirth of spring here.  It builds a lot of character too and gives people more opportunities to come closer together :)  Life seems to slow down some...

  2. I love Autum b/c of the beautiful colors of the trees and i am a SCORPIO and I am naturally drawn to this season. I also love wearing boots and coats related to this season... what can i say, i love fashion.

  3. Spring time is my favourite. Hopefully winter is now behind us, which recently in England, just means it has finally stopped raining:( We can then get ready for summer. Which is when it starts to rain......again!

  4. Since the winters are so brutal here in Toronto, I like summer.

  5. fall.  

  6. My favorite is Fall becuase I think it's a beautiful season.

    In Spring there is still a chance of it snowing.

    In summer there is too many thunderstorms.

    And winter is just too cold.

    But fall is perfect.

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