
What is your favorite shot when u go out?

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I'd like to down a few shots next time I go out. Just want to know what your favorite shot is and one that doesn't go down so hard?




  1. My favorite is something I have not found in the States yet. Called "Vodka Ahoy." You get a shot of vodka and a mini packet of Kool-Aid mix or equivalent. Take your shot, without swallowing, pour in your Kool-Aid powder, swish and swallow! Tastes like liquid candy!

  2. Pineapple Upside Down Cake

    Dirty Girl Scout


    Red Headed s**t

    ******** (Wet p***y-guy's version)

  3. I have a few easy-does-it favorites...

    Red Snapper (tastes lightly fruity and definitely goes down easy)

    Crown + Amaretto + splash of cranberry juice

    Red Headed s**t (a little more of a kick due to the Jager, but very tasty!)

    Jagermeister + Peach Schnapps + cranberry juice

    Washington Apple (one of my favorite light shots and if you love apple you'll love this!)

    Crown + Apple Pucker + cranberry juice

    Chocolate Cake (Really tastes fantastic but some bartenders get annoyed when they have to make it over and over)

    Frangelico (hazelnut liqueur) + Vanilla vodka + sugar around the rim + a sugar-covered lemon garnish.  

    To drink l**k some sugar off the rim, shoot, then bite into the lemon.  Really tastes like chocolate cake!

    Of course, you could always shoot Crown or Patron, they both go down pretty smoothly if you like straight liquor shots.

    Have fun :)

  4. pink p***y

  5. s*x on the beach and kamacasie (spelling?) go down easily

  6. Surfer on Acid is my favorite shot to drink out.

  7. "a brain hemorrhage"

    It is made up of Peach snapps, baileys and genadine

    it looks preety disgusting but is sweet and sticky  

  8. Whiskey with a beer chaser repeated as necessary.

  9. Just do some tequila shots. l**k shoot suck, bars have plenty of salt and limes available for this reason.  

  10. Well, until you said not so hard, I was going to recommend Quervo Gold, but IDK if you can handle it. Have a few beers first, then you should be okay. Good Luck and don't forget, have a designated driver.

  11. Jägermeister.

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