
What is your favorite soda and why.......?

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sprite,coke,rootbeer,diet coke,chery coke.........something like that.........




  1. Pepsi max,diet coke,fanta twist

  2. Squirt, but they don't make it anymore

  3. Coke!!! nothing beats the original!

  4. Pepsi cause it tastes good, lol.

  5. COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    you can't beat coke.

    other drinks may come and go,but there will always be coke.

    nothing tastes the same!

  6. vanilla pepsi!!! I love the taste!

  7. vanilla coke and sierra mist and orange soda (fanta or sunkist)

    Vanilla Coke: tastes soooo good but has a lot of extra sweetening

    Sierra Mist: Its like water with lemon inside but it makes ur mouth feel good

    Orange Soda: I love orange juice but the soda gives an extra kick to the flavor which makes it feel good

    good question by the way

  8. Inca Cola from Peru - they do sell it in the U.S. in some areas!

    It tastes like a cross between Sprite, bubble gum and cream soda - a very unique flavor!!!

  9. RC.

    i dont really know why i just like it better than coke and pepsi.

  10. Used to be a Coca Cola fan, until my boyfriend poured it over his windshield and it broke oil up and off, that was kinda scary - when he done that he had a Pepsi, I told him to pour his Pepsi over the remaining oil - he did - nothing happened.

    I drink Pepsi now!

  11. Mr. Pibb! I just think the taste is ama-za-zing!!! : D

  12. Dr. Pepper just because there's a unique taste to it.

  13. diet pepsi max.  i don't drink pop much, but when i need a little energy, i drink that stuff.  it's not bad!

  14. Coke, because of it's taste.  Not to sweet.  It is the perfect cola.

  15. coke

    its yummy

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