
What is your favorite song lyric, quote, riddle, or meaningful question?

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What is your favorite song lyric, quote, riddle, or meaningful question?




  1. My favorite quote:

    'Love is like friendship on fire'

  2. The River by Good Charlotte. My mind works in different ways than others so I can see certain meanings other can't.


    Which is more important to know, yourself or your enemy?

  3. Think about what you say instead of saying what you think

  4. “Doubt that the stars are fire;

    Doubt that the sun doth move;

    Doubt truth to be a liar;

    But never doubt I love”      

    William Shakespeare

  5. I have a few but

    Help of the helpless O Abide with me.

  6. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

    -Dr. Seuss


    "Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon."

    -Elizabeth Cady Stanton

  7. Quote

    "Life is like writing with a pen. You can cross out your past but you cannot erase it." - Anonymous

  8. Quote: A good friend comes to visit you when you are in jail

    But a great friend is in the cell next to you.

  9. favorite line in a song..[[all the same-sick puppies]]

    "Go ahead tell me you'll leave again, you'll just come back running, holding your scarred heart in hand, its all the same"

    favorite quote...

    " Everyone wants to be happy, no one wants to be in pain..but you cant have a rainbow without the rain"

  10. my favorite quote

    Life isn't about the breath you take but the things that take your breath away

  11. Song lyrics:

    I ran out of places and friendly faces because I had to be free

    I've been to paradise but I've never been to me

    -never been to me


    courage is not the absence of fear but of the knowledge that there is something more important than fear

    -princess diaries

    meaningful question:

    what is real? How do you define real?

    meaningful answer to that question:

    If you're talking about what you can hear, what you can smell, taste and feel then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

    -Morpheus, the matrix

  12. I always thought this quote was funny:

    Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

    Thats  one of my favorites :]

  13. "You save yourself or you remain unsaved."

    I really like that quote, it's from the memoir 'Lucky' by Alice Sebold.

    Oh! and I like this quote, I'm not sure who it's from though:

    The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.

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