
What is your favorite strike and why?

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Mine is the punch when you lead with your middle nuckles and upon impact curl them back into a normal punch, this "wedge" effect really works. thats why its my favorite




  1. anything that results in their blood spraying.  A nice quick elbow to the face that knocks out front teeth and breaks a nose is great! Just do it and watch the blood fly and your opponent hit the ground in tears.

  2. Muay thai push kick!!! it's an offensive and defensive attack and it frustrates the opponent when he can't get close...the distance can also be increase with alil bounce on the stable's a lethal offensive move if made contact with the face and a great attack to keep them at a distance

  3. standing elbow stike. it just feels so good to land it.

  4. I have to tell you theres no better feeling then placeing a roundhouse kick to the ribs or a spinning side kick to the head.from persenal experience

  5. One kick in Baguazhang requires you to lean back as you lift your leg, dodging a punch or kick but surprising your enemy with a strong boot to the chest, neck or face. I do not know baguazhang but I have seen the video with the bagua girl, tried the kick, and I think the application is solid.

  6. My favorite strike is an extended knuckle punch to the throat.  It is an automatic fight-ender.

  7. Gee, it would have to be the left jab-> right elbow combo for me.  I think our favorite strike depends on if we are left or right handed, the strikers size and opportunities presented by the opponent.

  8. Back kick/jumping back kick to the solar plexus! As for why, i think the kick speaks for itself.

  9. Any sort of elbow strike because they are easy to learn, effective and versitile

  10. leg kicks, they are fast and hurt like a mother, elbow strikes are a close second

  11. I will have to go with the High Round House to the Head !

    Very Very effective..... Hit in the head or the neck Most people WILL hit the floor :)

  12. Clinch Knees With inside elbows, Cause it messes people up...bad!

  13. A quick back fist to the nose.  This sets me up for multiple other strikes.  If that quick back fist lands, it's like opening the door to unlimited possibilities.

  14. My favorite strike is the left jab. It's what I use most and to greatest effect. They're very versatile, and the power that you can get from them is often overlooked.

    You can cover a lot of distance with jabs, but they can also be used from a relatively short distance. You can flick them out while you're on the move, or you can put a surprising amount of power into them by turning your hips/stepping into them.

    Jabs work well as set-ups, as leading attacks, as counter attacks, at the beginning of a combo, or at the end of one (as people rarely expect that). Another great thing is that you can fire them off while easily defending yourself with your other hand. I feel less safe when throwing other punches, because of the angle of my body or the slower recovery time.

    Against skillful opponents and untrained adversaries alike, the jab is my best friend. I agree with whoever dubbed it 'the king of punches.'

    A runner up would be knees from a clinch (almost any clinch). I especially like kneeing to the thighs, which makes it easier to land them higher (ribs or head) later on.

  15. A hard shuffle-side kick to the chest.  Blasting someone and watching them fly across the ring and land on their butt is just fun!

  16. as i'm trained for it i would say the 'one punch knock out' right punch that is of course if it is entrance to a fight- if the fight is started the distance between you and the oppoent has gotten closer so then my personal favorite is right hook, left hook followed by a fury of kicks

    hope that answers ya.

    i dont understand your wedgie effect by the way, seems like a matrix move to me.after all if your gonna punch you may as well punch the right way

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