
What is your favorite style of Kung-Fu/Martial Arts?

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  1. Judo.

  2. Pushing Chi on the toilet .... the relief feels great and you're no longer "kung-fu pregnant".

  3.    I'd also have to go with Jeet Kune Do for its efficient combination of martial arts, submission wrestling, and boxing.

         "Go now and die with honor!"

  4. Wing Chun

    Northern Mantis

    Tai Chi Chuan

    BaGuaZhang - I've never studied it but it looks awesome.

  5. Tai chi chuan  

  6. i would have to say Jeet Kundo Do for its all-around versatility and speed.....Wing Chun kung fu for its speedy,flashy hand technichs......and Kenpo karate for its defense and brutal effectiveness

  7. Shaolin Wushu all the way! I practice it and love it! But after watching the 2008 men do Tai'Chi during the Olympic Opening Ceremonies in Beijing, I'm starting to like Tai'Chi more and more.

  8. the one thing i've realized is that my favorite style is my personal style.

    i don't have a single favorite art. i really like alot of them

    jujutsu (japanese and brazilian, including sambo as well), hapkido, judo, kempo, okinawan karate, some styles of japanese karate. hsing i, bagua, wing chun, jkd, escrima/arnis/kali. mma. are the big ones i like most i think.

    at the moment my focus is probably most on okinwan karate, and kempo jujutsu.

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